Next-Generation Application Security

Experience unprecedented security with our unique, enterprise-level technology. Any application. Any language. Any scale. Untamperable protection.


Our Core Features

We provide all the tools you need to enshrine your product in a digital fortress.

Extreme Performance

Less than 1% performance overhead with all settings enabled. Gone are the days of having to balance performance and security.

Layered Protection

Intricate and fully configurable obfuscation, encryption, virtualization, and several other novel protections are at your disposal.

Licensing System

Easily manage your licenses from our sophisticated, yet intuitive web panel.

Smooth Integration

Our technology is incredibly easy to integrate with any project. We provide example projects, rich documentation, and one-on-one support.

Easy Debugging

Fix it in minutes, not hours. Built-in error reporting and highly detailed crash dumps make painful debugging a thing of the past.

Regular Updates

Take comfort in the knowledge that we stay at the forefront of innovation when it comes to your application's security.

We're still working toward our official launch!

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